February 05, 2011

My Saint for 2011

*JMJ* The saint that picked me for 2011 is St. Goar of Acquitaine in France.  I asked to have a saint pick me at Patron Saint of 2011 Ministry which is run by Marianne who must have many blessings coming her way.....she is such a wonderful person who reaches out to others to keep this blog going with much information and helpful stories from those who have had miracles happen in their own lives which they attribute to their saint and the prayers they have offered.

I did a bit of research on my saint and these are a few of the facts I came up with:

Saint Goar of Aquitaine (c. 585 – 6 July 649) was a priest and hermit of the seventh century. He was offered the position of Bishop of Trier, but died before accepting the position. He is noted for his piety, and is revered as a miracle-worker. He is a patron saint of innkeepers, potters, and vine growers.

I'm not sure why this saint picked me because I can see nothing between the lines, so to speak, as to why he feels that I need him but my prayers and intercessions will go to him as often as I pray.  Perhaps, as Marianne points out on her blog, he picked me to make him and his life more known.....we shall see as the year progresses.  

May each of you be so blessed if you decide to have a saint pick you for 2011, but in any event, may the blessings of the Lord be upon all of you who read these words. 

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