August 24, 2010

Thinking Many Deep Thoughts

Life has been very full this summer with many blessings as well as concerns.  The concerns are mostly family related and have been causing me increased pressure both emotionally and spiritually.  I've been feeling as though many of the resentments and much of the anger resulting from them is coming home to roost and it's not a pretty picture.  I've been feeling quite 'on edge' and ready to cry and/or get angry at the drop of a hat.  

Many of these feelings have been stuffed down now for years and eventually I guess they begin coming to the surface more than we'd like in this life.  I know mine have and in a way it's a good thing since I am being forced to deal with these issues or be trodden underfoot.  It's not an easy task nor is it one to be taken lightly because there's no way around all of this.......there's only one way and that is 'through' them, which doesn't make for peace of mind, nor inner ease.  

However, I feel as though Our Lord is calling me to take this journey and assuring me at the same time, that He will be by my side all the way so that I should 'Fear not, for I am with you even to the end of the world'.  That will be my fortress and my consolation so please, if you're reading this blog, pray for me as I journey into unknown and very deep waters.

June 29, 2010


*JMJ*  We are truly blessed with a new grandson weighing in at 7 lbs., 7 ozs. and 19" long.  He is so adorable and  is our youngest son's and his wife's first child, which is even more beholding to watch as they gaze at him with wonder in their eyes!  Thank you, Lord, for this miraculous blessing and all of the many blessings you have showered on all of us.

Today I got any email from Matthew...A Catholic Life saying that he is going to be helping others to set up a Catholic blog of their own by writing a book, called,  "How to Successfully Create a Catholic Blog".  I'm sure this will be of immense help to many who want to share their thoughts about the Catholic faith and how they live their lives, etc., but have no concrete ideas on just how to set things up. 

One thing I've found as I've read several thought provoking and spiritually uplifting Catholic blogs is that they help so many more people than anyone can possibly realize.  The good Catholic blogs reach out and touch many and the authors can never imagine how their words were key to bringing some one back to God.  May all the truly inspired Catholic blogs out there be blessed in abundance by Our Lord.

5 Things To Be Thankful For Today:
1. Our New Grandson
2. Our 4 Other Grandchildren
3. Our Family's Health 
4. A Beautiful Day
5. Energy

May 16, 2010


*JMJ'* I realize I missed a couple of days, but I'm just getting into doing this and soon it will be a very good habit.  Today I am going to the baby shower for my 5th grandchild to be, but the very first baby for my youngest son and his wife.  We're blessed with 3 grandchildren from my daughter and her husband and 1 grandson from my middle son and his wife.  My youngest does not know whether it's a boy or girl since they wanted to be surprised and do things the old fashioned way, so time will tell since she is due the end of June.  In any event, I am very blessed by Our Lord with 4 healthy grandchildren and one one the way.

Five things I'm thankful for today are:

1.  The health and safety of my children and grandchildren.
2.  The way Christina (5) and Anna (3) light up when they see me.
3.  My husband's good health.
4.  My good health.
5.  Our 2 sweet kitties who give us unconditional love.

May 13, 2010

One Year Ago!

*JMJ* Has it really been one long year since I posted last?  Wow, talk about neglecting one's writing of thoughts, feelings, doubts, love, anger, etc. I should hang my head, no doubt, but here I am just the same, ready to put down some of my musings of late.

I was just reading Anne's Blog  which I have to say, inspired me to get down to the business of keeping up with my own!  She has pictures of a former church, purchased by a couple and renovated to become their home.  The pictures are so interesting, so go take a look and let me know what you think if you have the time and the inclination to do so.
I would like to begin using the *JMJ* of my youth on my posts as Ann does, so on that particular thing, she inspired me as well.

Getting down to the business of how I'm doing with my Catholic faith and with releasing my 'control' issues to Our Lord, I'd say it's a constant battle for me, not only to give everything over to God, but to remember to do so, since trying to control every available outcome has become a bad habit of mine.  Another thing I'm trying to remember each day is to live in the moment, no matter what I'm doing at the time, instead of thinking ahead and planning for this, that, and the other without being aware that only this moment, only now (which is the present) is the gift that God has given me and that's why it's called 'the present'.  

I will pray for my fellow Catholic bloggers as they journey on and would ask any who read my humble blog (even, if only once a year, LOL) to kindly pray for me as well!  May God bless all of you as you live moment to moment.