January 01, 2009

Happy New Year to All!

Here we are on the very first day of the very first 2009 that ever was or will be and isn't it exciting! I had a wonderful Christmas shared with my husband and our family which includes 5 grown kids and their spouses and our 3 grandchildren with a new one on the way in April, so we have much to be thankful for in our lives.

Sunday mass still hasn't been attended but I have hope that I will go back starting this Sunday and begin my year in the best way I can....sharing my time with the Lord who gave it to me in the first place, and receiving His grace and His body and blood (having gone to Confession, of course).

I reached out via the internet to a few devoted Catholic women who write for an online publication and their responses to me couldn't have been more helpful and full of caring and grace and after thinking about this I realized that even those responses were sent to me by Jesus who is calling me and never gives up on me.....thank you Jesus and thank you for a brand new year with no mistakes in it yet, during which I can begin again....such a gift from God.

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