blog. I feel as though I was led to this wonderful and humble site and that reading it will help me in my spiritual journey, so thank you, Peggy, for creating such a restful and inspiring haven for all of us to come to.
Dear Lord,
I bring you my shortcomings... my impatience, my anger and resentment at times which I am trying so hard to overcome. I cannot hope to make a dent in these sins without your grace and your help which is always so freely given.....forgive me.
I bring you my worship and praise... for all of the blessings I receive day in and day out, many of which I don't always recognize or thank you for as I should.
I bring you my prayer... that I may be more loving and understanding toward those I love as well as those I don't care for. I also pray for my son's return to his family who love him so very much and miss him dreadfully.
You spoke to me...
Romans: 8:15
"For the spirit that God has given you does not make you slaves and cause you to be afraid; instead, the Spirit makes you God's children, and by the Spirit's power we cry out to God, "Father, my Father"!