Often tending to bury my head in the sand......but trying to become closer to Our Lord every day!
December 06, 2007
Looking Back!
I will continue to try my best to live as the Lord would want me to and to get back to Mass as I know this is important above all else. So, dear readers, if you're out there, please pray for me and I will pray for you and your intentions as well!
October 24, 2007
Counting Our Blessings

I was reading my last two posts and wondering how I have been doing at trying to truly enjoy all the little things each and every day and this situation makes that effort even MORE important to me. I must do better and stay 'in the moment' for each and every moment of the day so that nothing escapes the opportunity to thank God and to know how blessed I am!
August 18, 2007
Thanking God for My Blessings

June 30, 2007
I think God created us to trust in the inate qualities He instilled inside each of His children. As we grow up we forget to trust ourselves and of course, God as well. We feel flawed most of the time either trying to keep up with the Joneses' or we've become hyper-critical and wind up feeling static in our everyday lives, which I don't think Jesus ever wanted for us.
To me, He gave us free will along with good old fashioned common sense and in this day and age we need to start using that common sense now more than ever. Pressure is everywhere to be better, be smarter, be thinner, be more active, be more financially sound, be ALL THAT AND 3 BAGS OF CHIPS too!!!! It can get a person down but if we try to remind ourselves each and every day to trust in the Lord knowing that He wants us to trust in ourselves too, I think we'll be much happier.
Now when I say trust in myself, I'm talking about the 'real me', the deep down soul of myself that knows who I am and desperatelty wants to be that person, flaws and all. No, that doesn't mean I stop working on trying to do better and be better every day, but only in those things that Our Dear Lord is concerned with.....not the world in general. How will I know what those things are? We always hear either Our Lord whispering in our ear, or our guardian angel, or perhaps a particular saint that we may have a deep faith in, but WE ALWAYS KNOW .
These have been some of my thoughts over the past few days and I'm glad I've had the chance to share them with any of you who may stop by to read my blog from time to time. Naturally, your responses are always welcomed.
"Insist on yourself; never imitate...nothing can bring you peace but yourself". Ralph Waldo Emerson (I would re-phrase this quote, if I may be so bold, to say: 'nothing can bring you peace but being the true self God created you to be').
June 04, 2007
June, Already!
It troubles me that the devil is so powerful and always seems to take such good care of his own...does it you? Another movie that causes one to think more deeply is 'Fallen' with Denzel Washington and it also sites Revelations from the bible. It seems that evil is growing stronger all the time and every way we turn we're faced with it and must pray for the grace to resist.
Sorry if this post reads such gloom and doom, but I felt moved to post just what you're reading here. On that note, may the Lord be with all of you and with us all as we try to stay in God's graces, under His protection, and in His love every moment of each day.
May 10, 2007
Spring has Sprung!

What a testament of God's love and care for each His human children when we look at His creations such as the birds, the trees, the flowers and their vibrant colors and shapes.
We start out in our mother's womb, we're born, and we begin to grow and to bloom in our own unique way. Each of us is a wonderous creation of God and He loves us in and for our individual uniqueness. Hopefully, we then strive to grow in His love and to become vibrant in our faith, hope, and charity. This is what I wish for myself, and for all of you, dear readers.
April 03, 2007
Easter Week
It has been quite a long time since I've posted here but my quest to become closer every day to Our Lord is ongoing. This is such a holy season and I hope I've grown in my faith, day by day. Having the benefit of reading some of the inspiring Catholic blogs out there has been a source of reflection and prayer for me.
I have so far to go and if anyone is even reading my blog, would you please pray for me. The resurrection gives me so many thoughts and longings, at the same time. I want to rise a little bit more each day in my faith and trust in God and honestly don't think I've done very well. It is the season of hope and renewal though, so I will continue on my daily path and know that I can get help whenever I reach out.
I wish each and every one of you a blessed Easter season and a new and lively love for each other day by day.

January 02, 2007
The New Year
May I ask any of you who read my blog on occasion to pray for me in my continuous quest to grow in my Catholic faith and to each day grow closer to Jesus, and yes, could you also pray for my special intention because perhaps I just need more prayers?